Thursday, June 28, 2007

I am amazed at what passes for Sales Training today!

I am amazed at what passes for Sales Training today! From the tired old sales "motivators" to those people who have never sold or eon any sales awards. What are they teaching you? Some are teaching you so-called "tried and true methods" of selling. Others think they know all about sals in your industry, because they've trained so many sales people, but they've never sold in your industry! What's a sales leader/manager to do about training? Off-the-cuff? Bought programs? Sales training is simple, it's just so hard to do. How do I get my product into the hands of people who actually WANT my product? How do I get perfectly qualified leads to buy?
What do I need to know about them to help them buy? In other words, what to I need to do to teach them HOW to find the money and buy from me? That's the QBQ (recent book, "Questions Behind the Question"). Let's talk about these issues. Any thoughts? Stories of bad sales presentations? Questions about sales training? I'd love to hear form you (I will use later for non-remuneration publication) Let me know. Thanks, Dan

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