Saturday, December 10, 2005

What does it take to sell someone something?

What does it take to sell someone something? Ever asked yourself that question? Probably
So what was your answer? Did you investigate? Or did you just go on to the next appointment? Were you hoping IT would show its ugly face? (IT = What it takes to sell) Or did you believe iIT would hide from you again? What is IT? Reality: IT is something you don't already know about your client that is the "tipping point" of the sale!! That which tips the sale in your direction is what causes people to buy, right? Wrong!! People buy because they are: #1 asked to buy; #2 shown the primary benefit that triggers their buying reflex; and #3 given the green light that lets them buy whatever they want to buy, with confidence, from the likes of you, without reservation or remorse, allowing them to spend their money, thus completing the sale (assuming you'll stop talking long enough to let them buy!)! So, what does it take to make the sale? See #s 1,2,&3 above!

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